Summer Employment Success – 2023

Our 2023 Summer Employment Program was a huge success!! Here’s what our participants, their parents, and their employers had to say… T. was a good employee this year. He took what he learned last year and hit the ground running and helped the other kids learn the ropes. Participating Employer I was able to learn […]
About Tom Anson

The Uinta County Business Leadership Network has made a tremendous impact on educating the community on all the possibilities of hiring people with or without disabilities. I would like to take a moment and tell you about an employee we are lucky enough to have at Aspen Grove Nursery. Tom Anson has worked for us […]
Making A Difference

Somewhere I read the story of a starfish thrower who would walk along the beach throwing stranded starfish back into the ocean. Someone approached him and said, what you are doing will not make a difference as there are thousands of them stranded on the beach. The man picked up another starfish and threw it […]
Monthly Webinars

Join us for our monthly webinars for advancing disability diversity & inclusion within the workplace. Hosted by Disability:IN Uinta County & Cultivate Ability.
NextGen Mentoring Newsletter: October

Our latest weekly & monthly newsletter – don’t miss reading “Waiting for a Mentor”!
What Are Your Strengths?

“What are your strengths?” is one of the most common job interview questions and can be difficult to answer. What is a strength? A strength can be defined as a combination of talent, behavior, skills, and knowledge that you apply consistently to produce a successful result. There are 3 different types of skills we use […]
Choose Happiness: Why? How?

Scientists have found that the act of smiling may actually make you happier. That’s right: just smiling. Give yourself a reason to SMILE 🙂 People who stick with their gut instincts can be happier than people who labor over their decisions. This is why: if you stick with your gut, you’re less likely to question […]
Self-Talk – How Talking to Yourself is a Good Thing

Each of us has a set of messages that play over and over in our minds. This internal dialogue, or personal commentary, frames our reactions to life and its circumstances. One of the ways to recognize, promote, and sustain optimism, hope, and joy is to intentionally fill our thoughts with positive self-talk. Too often, the […]
Surround Yourself With Winners

Don’t miss this video on “Who We Surround Ourselves With Matters” (or view it on YouTube) See related articles: Who Surrounds You?, Surround Yourself With Good People, People Either Inspire You or Drain You
People Either Inspire You or Drain You

Watch Video: People With Either Inspire You Or Drain You – Choose Carefully (Surround yourself with winners! With those who will lift you higher) (or view on YouTube) For additional information visit the following: Who Surrounds You?, Surround Yourself With Good People, Surround Yourself With Winners