Mentoring Day Applications

Mentoring Day

DI-UCW is now accepting 2021 nominations for our annual High School Mentoring Days in Evanston & Mountain View. This is a great opportunity to shadow a local business for a day that reflect’s your interests. For more information …

Disability Disclosure & Inclusion Webinar

Disability Disclosure & Employment Webinar

Celebrate employees with disabilities during National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). Join Jana Burke who will be talking about the potentially overwhelming process of sharing disability-related information with a prospective or current employer. More Information

Reasonable Accommodations In The Workplace

Disability inclusion in the workplace with people in wheelchairs.

Webinar series September 1 at 10:00 a.m. Sponsored by Cultivate Ability & Disability:IN Uinta County. This month’s webinar will be focused on how to better accommodate employees with disabilities within your work environment. We’ll be specifically addressing test & examination-taking environments & appropriate accommodations for all employees. For more information …

Accommodating Employees Webinar

Health & Wellness

Accommodating Employees with Mental Health Impairments” MAY 5 | 10:00 – 11:00 am (MST) Presented by Melanie Whetzel, M.A., CBIS Job accommodations can be vital for the successful employment of individuals with mental health impairments.  Knowing how, when, and why it might be necessary to disclose a disability is the first and often most difficult […]

InclusionWorks Webinar

Close-up of a man in a wheelchair. One hand on the wheel.

“InclusionWorks in Action: Building a Disability-Inclusive Workplace” APRIL 7 | 10:00 – 11:00 am (MST) Presented by Andy Taube from Allied InclusionWorks Description of “Building A Disability-Inclusive Workplace”: Many companies commit to creating a disability-inclusive workplace. And many of them face challenges with where to start and how to do it. This presentation covers the […]

Monthly Webinars

multicultural business team ID 126731418 © Lightfieldstudiosprod |

Join us for our monthly webinars for advancing disability diversity & inclusion within the workplace. Hosted by Disability:IN Uinta County & Cultivate Ability.

Ice Skating at the Ponds

Ice skating at the ponds

February 9 at 6:00 p.m. Hot chocolate & doughnuts provided Get skates at Rec Center and let them know you are with NextGen Mentoring. We will take care of the rental fee.

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