Youth Job Training Program
January 14- February 18 * Every Thursday @ 6:00 pm
B.O.C.E.S. Building Room 304
January 14– Rich or Happy by Travis Hogman- Lumber Yard
January 21– What you want to know about Banking- by Britt Sloan- Bank of the West
January 28– Teamwork by Marny Huffaker- Murdoch’s
February 4– The Value of Communication by Parker Jenkins Union Wireless
February 11– Soft Skills by Terri Lundin -Costa Vida
February 18– To be determined by Kayann Smith and Abby McCormick- First Bank
• B.O.C.E.S. has asked that we always wear a mask, social distance, and have our temperature checked when we come in.
• Be respectful of the presenters. They have taken time out of their life to come and talk with us. They are volunteering their time.
• Be respectful of others in the class. No rude comments, swearing or putting others down.
• Engage in the class. Ask questions. This class is for you!
For every class you attend, you will be given a raffle ticket. At the last class, we will draw for two $25 gift cards to Wal-Mart.