Disability, equality, & inclusion: A factory worker in a wheel chair

February 2021 Newsletter

How can your business or organization become more diverse, equitable, & inclusive?  Read this month’s newsletter to get a few ideas & resources.    Go directly to http://eepurl.com/hqws0j or read it below!

Advancing Disability Inclusion
Within the Workplace

Thoughts from the DirectorRecently we sent out an employer survey to identify topics for our upcoming monthly webinars starting April 7.  While reviewing the surveys, it seemed the topic of ‘Recruiting Employees with Disabilities’ was the subject of interest.  Employers want to know where they can find qualified applicants with disabilities to hire.

As I thought about this subject I realized there are many ways to begin this discussion.  Recently I read an article called, ‘Confused on Where to Begin? Or How to Attract a Disability Workforce?’ which provided steps for creating an inclusive culture.

Trying to include people with disabilities in your workforce goes beyond wishful thinking.  It requires a plan that starts with a strategy, includes adjustments, and evaluates success.  Enjoy this valuable and informative article that will provide you steps in creating an inclusive culture within your business.

Click on the link below and enjoy the read.
Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in the Workplace – Inclusion Works (alliedinclusionworks.com)

Upcoming Events


Starting April 7, Disability:IN Uinta County is excited to partner with Cultivate Ability, located in Jackson WY,  with hosting monthly webinars to bring you resources to help reach out to people with disabilities in the labor force.
Being knowledgeable about the requirements and the methods of advancing disability diversity and inclusion within the workplace will benefit your journey to becoming an inclusive culture.
Stay tuned for monthly webinars, starting April 7.  The webinars will be held on the first Wednesday of each month from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. MST.

Benefits of Hiring People
with Disabilities 

Hiring managers like predictable results, here are some predictable benefits to expect in today’s market when hiring a qualified candidate with a disability.  Benefits of hiring include:

  1. Increased hiring pool.
  2. Positively impacts the retention of existing employees.
  3. ROI – Tax and other financial incentives including productivity benefits.
  4. Reduce the cost of employee benefits available.
  5. Increased diversity.
  6. Response to an aging workforce.
  7. Increased work ethic/dedication.
  8. Enhanced staff morale.
  9. A new look at creativity and problem-solving. 

We empower businesses to achieve
disability inclusion and equality.

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