Site-visits & Campus Tours provide opportunities for youth to explore the many opportunities available to them beyond their high school experiences.
Campus Tours:
Campus Tours provide youth with disabilities opportunities to explore the post-secondary education world. Youth tour a variety of local colleges & universities. During the tours, they visit with admission officers concerning the qualifications required for admission.
These tours help emphasize the importance of continued education experiences beyond the high school years. They are also a great way to show the youth the variety of educational opportunities available based on their individual interests.

Local Business Site Visits:

Site visits provide youth with disabilities opportunities to explore the World of Work. Youth tour a variety of businesses. During the tours, they visit with employers concerning the nature of their work and the qualifications required to work at their company.
Employers are asked to emphasize the importance of receiving a high school diploma and continuing educational opportunities according to their interests. The youth can also participate in hands-on activities during many site visits.
Previous Tours & Visits:
Porters TNT Fireworks:
Evanston High School students visited with Porters TNT Fireworks to gain a better understanding of how Porters TNT Fireworks operates their business. We explored each aisle and learned about the fireworks. The students learned which were the bestselling fireworks and watched a video about them. Our students were excited when they learned about the fireworks and shared the experience they have had over the past years celebrating the 4th of July. As we moved throughout the store, the students learned how each item was checked out when customers came to the checkout lanes. Our students asked the workers at Porters TNT Fireworks questions in regard to obtaining a job there. Some of the questions were; how old do they need to be to work there, are they hiring, do they sell a lot of fireworks and make money from selling them, and do you have to work the checkout lanes.
White Mountain Lumber
Students were provided with walkie-talkies and shown how employees use them to communicate with one another. Each student carried around a walkie-talkie speaking into it.
Evanston Police Department
During the visit, students were introduced to the wide variety of jobs that policemen perform. Students asked questions, learned and had a hands-on experience.
Purple Sage Golf Course
Each student had an opportunity to learn from the golf pro, Scott Ehlers, who taught them the very basics of golf. Due to inclement weather, the group golfed inside. After the fun of hitting the golf ball, students, educators, paras, and Scott loaded into the golf carts and despite the frigid weather took a ride throughout the golf course. Scott also discussed with the students the jobs available at the golf course and what he expects of his employees.