Promoting quality employment & career opportunities for youth with disabilities.

Job Coaching is an innovative program that assists youth with disabilities to become employed.
The program engages the active participation of employers in providing career exploration and internship opportunities. Through these activities, youth participants gain career guidance, insight, and experiences they need to obtain jobs and develop meaningful, rewarding careers.
Program components include:
- A Career Development & Work Experience class at the High School
- Work with students to help them understand the job requirements
- Provide self-evaluations for students to know if they are doing their job well.
Our son's experience with the Youth Empowerment Program (formerly NextGen Mentoring) provided him with a skill set he would hot have the opportunity to have without the program.
He is confident in pursuing a job and is not hesitant to take himself through all the processes required including initial contact, submitting an application and resume, presenting himself in an interview and following up.
My husband and I feel that these are skills that he will always have thanks to being blessed with this program. We wish it were available to all students.
Deb & Craig Hovde
Robertson, Wyoming