Job Shadowing Application – Evanston

Youth Empowerment Logo from Diversity:IN Uinta County

Participate In Our Annual Job Shadowing Day

Explore a possible career path – spend time with an area business that matches your career interest. 

You and your mentor will join us for the Disability:IN Uinta County Awards Celebration in Evanston.  There is no charge, as you are a guest of our Youth Empowerment Program (formerly NextGen Mentoring).

Application Deadline

September 23, 2024

Evanston High School Job Shadowing Day

"*" indicates required fields

Please list your area of career interest:

List places you have mentored in the past


I give my child, [name of child] permission to participate in Evanston Job Shadowing Day on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, from 8:00 - 1:30. I realize [name of child] will be excused from classes, but will need to make-up missed schoolwork.

Photo Release:

I understand that Job Shadowing Day can attract attention from the media & may be used for promotional purposes. Photos may be used at the discretion of NextGen Mentoring. Example: Publication of a photo in the local newspaper.

For more information contact call 307-783-6302 or Email Us.