Smith’s Inspiring Donations

Support Disability:IN Uinta County

Every time you shop at Smith’s you’ll be supporting our programs like NextGen Mentoring – automatically!  Simply attach our organization to your Rewards Card and Smith’s will donate 0.5% of your total to our nonprofit*.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s as easy as 1 – 2 – 3!    Combine your shopping & with some philanthropy for a great warm-fuzzy feeling with little effort & great reward. 


How Smith's Inspiring Donations Works:

What purchases qualify?  Just about everything you purchase during your regular shopping trips!  The only exclusions are alcohol, tobacco, postage stamps, Smith’s Gift Cards, re-loadable Gift Cards & debit cards, lottery & promotional tickets, Western Union, fuel & sales tax.

There’s no cost to participate in this program, and you’ll still earn fuel points on eligible purchases every time you shop!  I’d say that’s a win-win for everyone!

Smith's Inspiring Donations Logo

Signing up is free & easy!

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in to your digital account or choose “Create an account” and fill in the information
  3. Link your Rewards Card to our organization.  Either enter our organization number – IX447 or at least the 1st three letters of our name 7 click “Search”.   Select Disability:IN Uinta County and choose “Save”

*0.5% based on eligible purchases.  See “Helpful Information” for exclusions.