Hike to Ruth Lake

August Newsletter

We just sent an email to our subscribers with the latest Disability:IN Unita County News. Check out what we sent at http://eepurl.com/haDZL1 or read it below!

How Disability Friendly is your Workplace? 

Customer Service Quick Tips for Front Line Staff Serving Customers with Disabilities

Did you know there are more than 57 million Americans with mobility, sensory, neurological, intellectual, and other types of disabilities? This diverse group represents a growing market for businesses and a valuable source of talent and support for public programs and activities.

The spending power of Americans with disabilities is currently about $220 billion. Wounded veterans, an aging baby boomer generation, and other factors continue to swell the population of those with disabilities. These individuals, as well as their family members, friends, and associates, are people you want to include in your business or organization as customers, participants, volunteers, and supporters!

Click the link below for valuable information. 

Quicktips Factsheet

This video provides best practices and features national disability leaders offering insights, tips, and recommendations on how to provide exemplary customer service to individuals with disabilities.


Right now, 1 in 3 children and adolescents will grow up without a mentor of any kind, yet we know that young people who have a mentor are much more likely to participate in after-school activities, be leaders in clubs and teams, volunteer, and go on to college. Your gift helps increase Uinta County’s capacity to provide quality mentoring relationships for at-risk youth who lack a positive caring role model we know they need! Help us close the mentoring gap in Uinta County!


Disability:IN Uinta County, WY
NextGen Mentoring

Our mailing address is:
236 9th Street, Evanston, WY  82930

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